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Time:2024-05-12 Browse: 136

참견쟁이 A place where you can anonymously discuss your concerns and learn about yourself! curious

Come to “Nosy” for anonymous advice!

If you want to hear a story filled with the warmth of a real person, rather than an emotionless AI that responds like a human, go to Nosy.

Nosy, an anonymous collective intelligence advice center where nosy people respond with their own thoughts!

Everyone can be happy with your warm intervention.

“Happiness is knowing and doing what I like” 『Kuppe’s Happiness Journey』

Whichever you choose, it's the right choice. When making this choice, the default is to choose what you like based on the accumulated experience of living so far and unconsciously.

“Meddlesome” will help you discover what you like by dabbling in problem-solving in other people's lives.

“Questions are a tool that connects me and my goals” 『The Expert Questioning Method』

You probably know that asking questions takes practice, but it's a question you hesitate to ask people around you if it's okay to ask questions like this! Become an expert at asking questions in the anonymous Nosy community.

[Nosey User Guide]

- Confidentiality of concerns (anonymous)

- Simple voting format (multiple choice)

- Interference to hear honest (subjective) opinions

- Function for Fortune Tiger to block/report uncomfortable stories

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