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Free download 2048 APK for Android

Time:2024-05-14 Browse: 125

Description of 2048 The most captivating game of the year! You too, try to reach the mythical number 2048! The rules of the game are ultra simple! Move the boxes up or down or from top to bottom and from left to right or vice versa. When two boxes with the same number touch each other, they merge and become one. The numbers add up automatically. When a box of 2048 is created, you have won! - The best version of the game available on your smartphone or tablet and tota7up 7 Down lly free - Ultra addictive game - Easy and fast - For all players from 3 to 90 years old - Automatic backup of your best score

Version history 2048 New in 2048 by Livio 1.1 - Various optimizations - Translated into 42 new languages Please rate this app


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